Good afternoon dear Reader,
We arrived at the XO campground along with hundreds of others, we finally got to the designated Moto Camping ground and pitched the tents. We took a walk down the the Showgrounds where most people were just setting up.. We managed to find a food stall that was working and had a lovely pizza and a beer. Then was back to the campsite for a while before turning in for the night.
A good nights sleep and a early start, the wind had lessened and the the sum is hot again. I have walked into the show ground twice so far, the first time I cam back with Randy Perkins as his bike for stuck, but I managed to kick start that. So back down to the show as this morning the petrol stove decided it did not want to play and just flared up, much to everyone horror as they are very worried about fires here. I stripped it down and tried to clean it but no progress, so I fear that the petrol stove is a goner and consigned to the dumpster. I picked up a couple of butane canisters to go with my spare burner.
I was looking at a Camelback in town the other day but thought better of it as they were over $100…. Today at the show I found a biker one for just $35.. result…
I am now sitting in the shade doing this blog before going back down to the show ground - there are thousands and thousands of people there and many more just queuing to get in….
The pictures are of the bear at Woody's campground and a very strange stand at the show, selling and toilet roll holder that you hand around your neck…
I will try to chat later but I have not found any WiFi here yet...