Friday 8 June 2018

Bay Centre north of Astoria Washington State

Good afternoon dear Reader,

I started off with a good breakfast at the site and then rode North up the 101.  About four miles out the rain started and then just got heavier and heavier..  I stopped at a Cafe to don the waterproof jacket and have a hot drink.  This is the view from the window.

I did take another photo from a view point but that in on the other camera so I will have to sort that later.  I am currently in the camp laundry sorting out my clothes and getting everything dry.

Back on the road again and more rain, then I got to the fabulous bridge at Astoria - but the crap weather and visibility means I have to resort to another photo from the WWW, which I will sort out later.  Thank god that the wind was low otherwise it would have been a nightmare, I remember a couple of bad crossing of the Severn Bridges, one even blew the bike over - much to the amusement of my fellow riders....

So I am now trying to get dry and warm ready for a return 

trip South tomorrow.  I have had an invite to stay with another bike traveller at Newport so I will check the maps later and see it that is doable (a dreadful word).  The forecast for the next two days is more rain.  So it will have to be South, and I will have to miss out the Olympic Park as I won’t be able to see bugger all... and it ain’t much fun riding in the rain...

So, now for another coffee - it’s free here....

Nite nite