Tuesday 19 June 2018

Dayton State Park Nevada

Good afternoon dear Reader,

An early start this morning (7:45) so missed at lot of the hot weather by mid day. I rode over empty roads through the endless forests and lakes. Stopped at Susanville for a bit to eat and some tea...

Then the long boring ride to Bordertown and then Reno Navada..... Managed to escape incident on the interstate through Reno to Carson City and finally got to the campsite at Dayton State Park about 2pm. Nothing to write home about I promise. Except that's it is very very hot - no showers and the rest room is miles away from the campsites.

Tomorrow will be a very long day as I will be riding to Ely on Route 50 - said to be the loneliest road in the US.. Miles and miles of bugger all - well we have had a few of those this trip.... I will stock up on Water and fuel at Fallon. And will go for a early start again.

Good afternoon to you...