Monday 4 June 2018

Kamiah Idaho (Just)

Dear Reader,

A short day it was, challenging, interesting, scenic but short. I have just noticed that we have jumped a time zone and so the trip was even shorter that I thought..

I left the wonderful Cascade Lake site at about 8am, the sun was just getting above the trees, the lake was still and it was beautiful. I left a note for Bernie the camp host and I wanted to say thank you and goodbye and that I may well meet him again in July as he is changing sites over in Oregon.

The road from Cascade was empty this morning and was extremely scenic, for most of the way it was following the Salmon River. I rode through many deep canyons and climbed up one very very long hill (the peak was at over 4,000 ft, we could only just make it in 3rd gear. So from the 55 onto the 95 and some more fabulous landscapes. I arrived at Grangeville and Gertie Garmin did a very strange thing, she took me over the minor roads through the prairies and wheat fields rather than onto the 13, ah well it would only have only made a few minutes difference but as I had already gained 1 hour onto Mountain Time.. there you go.

I apologise again for the lack of photos today, but a combination of: I was just amazed at the scale of the canyons, the lack of stopping places at the right place (the Kodak moments are usually found on the steep downhill sections) and finally I was bloody cold.

So, now at a site and have had a good hot shower and done the washing, and now catching up with the emails as I have not had wifi for 2 days.

Planning for tomorrow is still at the committee stage!!! But I suspect that I will be going across to the Wall Walla area via Lewiston (i.e East)