Wednesday 6 June 2018

Pendleton Oregon

Good evening dear reader,

Another day of two halves, the start was fantastic riding along side the river and through the canyons to Lewiston and the second half was through miles and miles of grain fields.  After getting fuel at Walla Walla I noticed that the Speedo had stop working - bugger….  Its probably the nylon wheel/cog that sits next to the front wheel.  Ah well onwards and upwards to Pendleton where I am now.

It is very hot a present but I have the shade of a fence to protect me.   I stopped on the way at a Walmart to get fruit, tea bags, sugar and boot polish (you have to have standards)..

I must remember to check the oil in a minute.     I had to call the telephone company to renew my monthly contract, but having spoken to a very nice lady in the Philippines for nearly 30 minutes it transpired that I can't pay using their App or on-line as I don't have a Zip Code for my Credit Card……. But I can pay at a shop without a Zip Code - so off to Hermiston tomorrow on my way to Hood River area.  The I need to decide either North to Astoria or West to the coast...

I hopefully will get to Coos Bay early next week so I should be able to get the bike serviced and the speedo sorted at the Honda Dealership.

Another quiet night planned once I have cooked some grub..

Nite Nite.