Thursday 7 June 2018

Cascade Locks Oregon.

Good evening dear reader,

I had a very slow start to the day, tea and a banana, and a long chat with the chap camping next door.  I left at about 10am and headed for Hermiston to pay for the SIM card.  I found the shop but they were not playing today !!!  So I left and found a Honda bike shop and got some oil, and located the local Western Union shop at the local Safeways.  Apparently you can also pay the the SIM there… oh no.. Western Union had never heard of Metro PCS…..  How can it be so difficult to pay a bill.   Well the next port of call will be the Metro PCS shop just outside Portland in Oregon, wish me luck.

Another thing that has stopped was the Garmin Mapping system.  Apparently I should have received an Email from them under the GDPR rules and that I should have agreed to share my data… No such email, hence thee mapping stopped working…. I has taken 30 minutes to try to locate the appropriate website to tick a single box…. Oh how I love technology….  But here I am - sorting out a route for tomorrow on the Garmin including the phone shop, writing a blog on the laptop and trying to get the Garmin mapping to work via my iPhone !!!   Arrgghhhh

Anyhow the ride today was bit boring and almost uneventful…. I took the minor road that followed the interstate and by the time I go nearly to my destination I was running on petrol fumes…. Manage to squeeze the fumes to a gas station and stopped for a cuppa.   The back on the road for the last run down the Columbia Gorge to Cascade Locks.

I spent some time chatting to a nice chap who want to start Bike Travel.  Now I am just siting and trying to sort this lot out, before checking the chain and oil on the bike - no reply from Honda Coose Bay yet.  Tomorrow I should be near the Pacific Coast… hopefully having paid the phone bill….

I cheated with this photo….

Nite Nite