Sunday 29 May 2016


Good morning reader,

A good start this morning from Mountain Home, a coffee and 2 hash browns and away... but not before meeting my first motorcycle policeman, such a nice chap, but as usual I forgot to get a photograph - he took one; so if you read this blog could you send me a copy of the photo....

As usual I took the long route around town of Boise and cut through the back roads to Marsing, Parma and Vale. Once away from the valleys we climbed up and up into hills near Ironside and Unity, I found a good campsite at Unity Lake.... We passed through another time zone and so gained another hour... So having ridden for 6 hours it is still early afternoon.

Washing done, and map set for tomorrow as we head for Bend and the Crater Lake Area.. The sun is up and the is a fair breeze whipping up over the lake.

All the time when scribbling these blogs, I am thinking that my friend and riding companion David Charlton would have loved this trip and I would certainly have enjoyed his company. Maybe another time David - going east maybe.....